Russell Robertson was appointed Wayne County Auditor in March of 2024 and reelected in November 2024. Russell
holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Geology from Marshall University
and a Master’s of Science degree in Geoenvironmental Studies from Shippensburg
Russell started his work in the Wayne County Auditor’s Office as GIS Director, a role he
held from 2016 until becoming Auditor in 2024. As GIS Director, Robertson worked
closely with all departments within the Auditor’s Office, numerous other county offices,
and political subdivisions throughout Wayne County.
As Auditor, Robertson serves on the Wayne County Budget Commission, the Board of
Revision, the Data Board, the Records Commission, the Tax Incentive Review Council,
and the Community Improvement Corporation.
Russell is committed to maintaining the accurate and transparent financial oversight that
has made the Wayne County Auditor’s Office an award-winning office while ensuring
that public resources are managed and reported with the utmost accuracy and integrity.
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