Tickets to hear VIVEK speak at our 4/26 Lincoln Reagan Dinner on sale now!

Welcome to the

Wayne County

Ohio Republican Party

We Exist Because Freedom Matters. 

The pursuit of opportunity has defined America from our very beginning. This is a land of opportunity. The American Dream is a dream of equal opportunity for all. And the Republican Party is the party of opportunity.

Protecting Our Liberties

We are committed to safeguarding the liberties of Americans by advocating for constitutional rights and conservative values in local governance.

Economic Prosperity

The Wayne County Republican Party is actively promoting economic prosperity through policies that encourage entrepreneurship, job creation, and fiscal responsibility.

Preserving Our Values

We are dedicated to preserving American values by upholding traditions, promoting family unity, and fostering a sense of national pride and community.

"If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under."

- Ronald Reagan

Join Us In The Fight For

The Future of Our Nation

We've Got Work to Do. Let's Keep Wayne County Republican.

Contact Us

We Are Dedicated to

Keeping Wayne County Republican

a woman wearing glasses looks up at something

Our Elected Officials

Sixteen out of sixteen county-wide elected offices are held by Republicans.

Meredith Craig

State Representative Meredith Craig is Wayne County's voice in Columbus. She is fighting for our conservative values and to preserve our freedoms.

For All of Wayne County

We enjoy a long history of Republicans occupying our county elected offices and operating our county in a financially prudent and responsible manner.

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